
Hosting Holiday Parties

hosting holiday parties

I have always said I am the most happy when my home is full of friends and family. Luckily, around the end of the year comes the perfect opportunity for hosting holiday parties. Below are my tips and tricks for how to host!

Make a Plan

Decide on the date, the food and drinks you will prepare, and what you will ask guests to bring BEFORE you invite anyone over. You want to be sure to have a decent game plan so you can give as much information as possible in the invite.

Prep a Week Before

Since you already have a plan, Green Bean Delivery gives the opportunity to make grocery shopping easy and sustainable. I decided to do a table-sized charcuterie and Green Bean Delivery had the most amazing local options.

hosting holiday parties | charcuterie
Green Bean Delivery Charcuterie

You can order exactly what you need online and it will be delivered to you whenever you need it! I made sure mine was here two days before my party in case I happened to forget anything (I always do). It will also give you time to ask your guests to bring whatever you are lacking. I asked friends to bring desserts and dips to munch on!

Hosting Holiday Parties | Charcuterie Board from Layla Living on Vimeo.

Green Bean Delivery is a great choice especially when you want to support local farmers, makers and growers. You can use the code ‘LaylaLiving’ for 20% off of your first order!

Create a Playlist

Depending on the theme, be sure to make a playlist so that you do not have to worry about someone playing DJ during your party! My playlist was all of my favorite holiday songs! You can check it out here.

Punch it Up!

I always make one large serving of a cocktail for every party! It makes serving cocktails that much easier. I always keep a separate batch in the fridge (without ice) for easy refills too, depending on how many guests I am expecting… my friends can get a bit thirsty 😉

Casual Clean Up

It’s okay to scan your home for empty cups, cans, and glasses. If you happen to grab a few as you walk from room to room, you will definitely thank yourself later.

I typically cannot go to bed without cleaning everything up… it is my pet peeve to go to sleep with a SUPER messy house after a party. So, I typically do a bit more than grab a can here and there, but you definitely want to keep it light so you can enjoy your own party.

Have fun!

It is so important to feel relaxed and in a positive headspace when hosting. Your guests will follow your lead… if they see you freaking out, they may freak out too. Just remember, no one typically minds if something small goes south, they are happy to be there, or else they wouldn’t have come.

So sit back, relax and have a good time with your friends and family in the comfort of your own home!

What are a few hosting tips you live by? Comment below!

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