
Friday Five: TMI?


Okay, big things have been happening for women. Yet, we still manage to brush things under the rug that we really should be talking about – without any embarrassment or taboo. Here are my 5 things that you may consider TOO MUCH INFORMATION, or you may consider these something you want to talk about but never felt comfortable enough sharing with anyone.


How many times have you just wanted to go “I don’t agree with that” but just didn’t feel comfortable enough saying it? I’m talking in the workplace, among your friends, among your family. You did not speak up because you were worried you would be shamed or ridiculed for having an opinion different than someone else’s. As a society, we have grown and become more open than we ever have before (we clearly have some more growth to do tho AMIRITE) however, we have to remember that everyone has a right to their own opinion. Next time, speak up, and then listen to what the other person has to say. Speak your truth no matter what it is.


We take sex ed in the 6th grade. We are told and treated as if women are nothing but receptacles for male sexuality. But what about us? Are we talking about our sexuality and pleasure? Female sexuality seems to take a backside to male sexuality. God forbid we talk about vaginas or women having sex… and definitely don’t talk about it in sex ed because there are boys present… that’s just inappropriate. BUT WHY? No seriously, if you’re a health or sex ed teacher please comment below and tell me why. I was having Pure Romance parties as soon as I graduated high school. It opened an entirely new world that I knew nothing about – shoutout to the girl who helped me host my first party. Let me just say, thank the lord because that company and those products are something we should all know about. 😉


I just want you to know that it’s okay to be single and it’s okay to be child free. I suggest the next time someone asks you “Why don’t you have kids?” or “Why don’t you have a significant other?” You respond with “Why do you?” let’s see what kind of answer they come up with. You owe no one an explanation: your life, your choice.


Dude, shaving, waxing, and tweezing sucks. I get it. I hate it too. Although, Pure Romance Coochy shaving cream honestly makes me feel 100x less bothered by it. I am here to tell you that not shaving, waxing or tweezing is nothing to be ashamed about, and no, not doing these things will not result in you resembling a hairy man. We have hair, it happens, we can make our own decisions on how we want to handle it. I’ll admit it, sometimes I am just fucking tired and don’t feel like shaving my legs, sue me.


Shocker, women bleed once a month from their vaginas. But isn’t it weird? Men feel uncomfortable talking about menstruation, but so do we. In high school, me asking a friend if they had a tampon felt like a drug deal was about to go down. I’d have to stand real close to her desk just to make sure no one saw that she was handing me a tampy, then run to the bathroom and hope no one stopped me to ask what I was holding. It’s not a glamorous thing, and trust me I know we want to appear our best, most perfect selves no matter what is happening on the inside of our bodies, but we should not feel uncomfortable buying pads or tampons, pulling one out of our purse as we enter the bathroom, or telling someone “Yo, I can’t go to barre today because it feels like my insides are falling out.” – you can be a bit more glamorous than I am, but you get what I am saying. All in all, it happens, it’s natural and we shouldn’t feel uncomfortable talking about it.

What are some things you wish women would talk more about? Comment below!

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